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Quality assurance

Tools Used In Auditing 


March 13, 2024

An auditor's job is to assess a company's financial statement and ensure that it is an accurate representation of the company's financial position. To do this, auditors use various tools and techniques. In this blog post, we will discuss the different tools that are used in auditing an audit plan, and how they are used to detect errors and irregularities. 


Tools used in auditing an audit plan 

An audit plan is a detailed document which contains a strategy which needs to be carried out in order to carry out an audit effectively. This includes items such as the objectives of the audit, resources required for it and how it will be completed. The following are tools used in auditing an audit plan; 

 A financial statement analysis 

One of the most important tools used in auditing is a financial statement analysis. This tool allows auditors to assess a company's financial position and performance by reviewing its income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Financial statement analysis can help identify red flags or potential problems that could indicate that the company's financial statements are inaccurate. 

 Statistical sampling 

Another important tool used in auditing an audit plan is statistical sampling. Statistical sampling is a technique that allows auditors to randomly select items from a population for examination. This technique can be used to test account balances, transactions, and other information contained in financial statements. By using statistical sampling, auditors can reduce the amount of time needed to examine all of the data in a population. 

Analytical procedures 

Finally, auditors also use analytical procedures when auditing an audit plan. Analytical procedures are used to test relationships between data and to identify unusual patterns or trends. For example, an auditor may use analytical procedures to compare the sales figures from one period to another in order to identify any unusual patterns or trends. 

Audit Programmes 

An audit programme lays out the audit procedure or methodology and is used by auditors when they are planning an audit. Audit programmes are important as they set out the procedures that need to be followed, enabling consistency across audits. There are a few tools that are commonly used when auditing an audit programme. These include checklists, questionnaires, and audit software such as Auditproo. 


Checklists are usually used to assess whether all the necessary steps have been taken in an audit process. They can be created by the auditor or be sourced from external sources. Auditors evaluate the audit programme by reviewing the objectives, scope and timetable of each audit. The checklist is used for determining what tasks need to be performed by the team during the assessment phase. A checklist tool assists in keeping track of tasks to be completed and is a useful means of assuring that the audit process has been followed correctly. 


Questionnaires are a useful tool for collecting data in auditing audit programmes, particularly when there are large numbers of respondents, such as stakeholders. Questionnaires can be useful for creating a constructive and objective discussion about the current programme and for identifying areas for improvement. This tool is used for three reasons: to explore and develop indicators for audit effectiveness;  to identify the key components of an audit programme and (3) to understand why certain types of organisations, who are primarily responsible for auditing, are not audited. 

Audit software 

Audit software is a tool that allows auditors to create their own sample size for an audit population. Most audit software are web based and are used to schedule, manage and analyze audit programmes.  Some software such as Auditproo become your online home of your entire audit programme, storing all the key data you need, when and where you need it. The software has been designed by experienced auditors for use by auditors who want to see their productivity increase exponentially from day one. 

Audit evidence 

Audit evidence is the information a CPA or auditor uses to support the conclusions and opinions presented in an audit report. It includes both financial and nonfinancial information, but can include any type of information that is used for a continuous audit process. The tools used in auditing audit evidence include: 


One of the most common evidence gathering tools is the interview. This involves talking to people who are involved in the organization being audited. This can be done in person, over the phone, or even via email. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to get first-hand information from those who are closest to the situation. The disadvantage is that it can be time-consuming and expensive, especially if you have to travel to meet with people. 

Document review 

This involves going through all of the organization's records and looking for anything that supports your findings. The advantage of this method is that it is usually less expensive and time-consuming than interviews. The disadvantage is that you can miss important information if you don't know what you're looking for. 


This involves observing the organization's operations first-hand. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to see things first-hand and get a better understanding of how they work. The disadvantage is that it can be disruptive to the organization's operations and it can be difficult to do if you're not familiar with their procedures. 


The basic tool used in auditing work papers is the work sheet. It provides guidance on structuring and formatting auditor's reports. In essence, it contains a list of all the steps to take during each phase of an audit. Work sheets are great for documenting findings, outlining goals and objectives, sorting out details, and analyzing data. It's important that the audit trail is easy to follow so that managers can access data quickly and easily. 

Trial balance  

The trial balance is a part of the working papers that are sent to the client prior to being filed with the court. It serves as an addendum to the original trial balance, which had all the initial figures entered into it, including the depreciation and depletion recorded from the cost of goods sold. The time period for items reflected in this trial balance represents a period for inventory and for depreciation accounting, in which losses and expenses can be set aside. The purpose would be tied to doing a net worth review, rather than a complete analysis of assets and liabilities. 



The process of auditing is a tedious task that requires careful preparation to ensure success. Using the right tool can make a big difference in the time and effort required to complete an audit as well as the accuracy with which results are returned. It is important to choose the appropriate tools for auditing so as to get accurate results. Auditors should choose tools that are designed for a specific task, and not general-purpose. Auditors should also consider if the tool is user-friendly, if it is secure and if the audit can be completed in time. It is important to choose the right auditing tool if you want to perform an audit in a proper way. The tool that you use should meet all of your needs. Choosing the right tool for auditing makes the task of auditing less stressful. In addition, acquiring a suitable tool will make the work of auditors easy and swift. 




Published On: March 13th, 2024 / Categories: Quality assurance

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